On Friday the 13th!
Q: What is the possible explanation behind Lazarus Syndrome?
Answer: Lazarus Syndrome is a generic term use in hospitals when patient shows sign of life after clinically declared dead, like a patient that develops vital signs after cessation of resusitative efforts or organ-donation team arrives to find a live person.
Possible explanation is that a chief factor is the buildup of pressure in the chest as a result of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The relaxation of pressure after resuscitation efforts have ended is thought to allow the heart to expand, triggering the heart's electrical impulses and restarting the heartbeat.
The syndome is named after bible story in which Jesus brought back to life a dead person named Lazarus from his tomb. Term became very popular after publication of book "The Lazarus syndrome: Burial alive and other horrors of the undead" (Rodney Davies - 1978).In recent years, 'Lazarus Syndrome' has also been use for HIV/AIDS patients who feel having new chance of living with new HIV medications.